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【篇⼀】低碳⽣活的英语作⽂范⽂   In my view , First of all, as students, we should go to school on foot instead of driving a car. Cars not only let out carbon d...安全对于每个人都很重要。中学生年龄较小,学生安全更是人们关注的焦点,请根据以下提示,写一篇关于学生安全的英语作文。 内容提示: 1.交通安全:遵守交通规则,不...


˙^˙ 低碳生活英语作文篇1 环保英语作文(1) Now everybody advocates the "low-carbon life", but the low carbon life is not a light lip service, should use th...以保护环境,低碳生活为话题的英语作文1 In some places, the air and water pollution is so serious that it causes many deaths. At the same time, many an...


>▂< 地球是我们人类共同的家园,人类只有一个地球。“低碳、环保”已成为当今时代主题。目前,我市英语学会准备在全市中学生中开展以“Save(拯救)our earth”为主题的英文征文活动。现请...今天的英语作文话题是:“低碳”生活方式。 【今日作文题目】 假定你是李华,最近你们班就“低碳”生活方式进行了讨论,你的美国朋友Jack来信向你询问讨论情况,请...


【简介】感谢网友“呜呜呜呜呜呜呜”参与投稿,下面是小编为大家推荐的关于低碳环保初中英语作文(共21篇),欢迎大家分享。 篇1:关于低碳环保初中英语作文 Now more and more people ge...6. There are numerous reasons why …,and I would explore only a few of the most important one...


低碳生活英文作文 篇1 Low-carbon LifeNow more and more people get to know its important to protect our living environment.As a student,its my duty to do something for th...【导语】以下由©无忧考网为您整理关于低碳生活的英语作文4篇,希望对您考试有帮助。 关于低碳生活的英语作文(一) Each and every one of us is responsible f...