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曾经我热水器坏了找售后来修。更换完坏的部件后,售后人员开始把拆下来的组件往回装。当拿到一个婴儿...经历作文之我的面试经历 我的网购经历英语作文 我与自己-成长经历初二英语作文 我的读书经历的作文 中国人的社交英语作文 我生病经历英语作文 经历作文之旅行经历英语作文 我...


↓。υ。↓ 篇1:高一优秀英语作文和翻译 大学生应该打击犯罪行为吗? Should College Students Combat crime? Nowadays, more and more college students are becoming enthusiastic about the h...你单子上写的是电灼就是电灼,完全不留情面,原来主治医师骗我的,实际上所谓的打折就是把激光改成了电灼,所以便宜了很多 但是当时人已经涂了麻药,进了治疗室,就...


网购英语作文: I remember the first time shopping experience, that day, my mother said to me: "ran out of oil in the home, you go out to buy me a bot...我的网购经历英语作文一 Along with the advance of the society ,more and more person has experienced online shopping .online shopping has come into fashion in most ...


网购之我见英语作文 篇1 Nowadays with the ever rapid development and increasing popularity of the information technology , shopping on the internet has been a fashion esp...网上购物的英语作文 篇1 Nowadays with the ever rapid development and increasing popularity of the information technology , shopping on the internet has been a fashion e...


篇1:对网购的看法初中作文 当今的科技迅速发展,人们生活越来越便利,足不出户也能购买任意商品,包括酱油和盐这些生活必需品。然而凡事都有两面性,网络购物并不是全是便利,也是吼也会...篇1:上网购物英语作文 上网购物英语作文 On the one hand, the online shopping are very convenient. Unlike the physical stores, there is no limit of time for you to do the ...