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?﹏? 野性的呼唤在巴克的梦中回响, 越来越响亮…… 杰克·伦敦 1876 年生于旧金山, 死于 1916 年。 他出身穷苦, 在他短暂的 1 To the north Buck did not read the newspapers. He...杰克·伦敦(Jack London,1876年1月12日 - 1916年11月22日)是一位美国作家,他写了“野性的召唤”等书。 作为当时迅速发展的商业杂志小说世界的先驱,他是第一批...

野性的呼唤之前 the call. 野性的呼唤 ♪我愿跟随你去往任何地方♪ ♪ I'll follow you anywhere ♪ ♪你想要去往何方我都不介意♪ ♪ Where you wanna go Yeah, I don't car...驶向拜占廷中英文对照版 星级: 5页 《野性的呼唤》英汉对照 下载积分:700 内容提示: 1 To the north Buck did not read the newspapers He did not know that ...

buck野性巴克中英文剧本呼唤中英文对照 系统标签: buck野性巴克中英文剧本呼唤 time.在北极搜寻的人们MensearchingArctic发现了一种黄色的金属hadfoundyellowm...野性The wild animal Buck through constant training, awakens the wild within him, grows stronger, and kills a dog named Spitz in a fight.巴克通过不断的磨练,体内的野性不...

1、 The Call of the Wild 野性的呼唤野性的呼唤 1 To the north Buck did not read the newspapers He did not know that trouble was coming for every big dog in California Me...野性的呼唤(中英对照已排版) 1 To the north Buck did not read the newspapers. He did not know that trouble was coming for every big dog in California...