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7. 端午节:the Dragon Boat Festival 8. 中秋节:the Mid-Autumn Festival 9. 重阳节:the Double-Ninth Festival 10. 春秋时期:the Spring and Autumn Period 11...重阳节风俗 一、Climbing Mountains/登高 The 9th lunar month, with clear autumn sky and bracing air, is a good time for sightseeing. So people, both ancient and present, ...

篇1:重阳节的来历英语 The Double Ninth Festival - the ninth day of the ninth lunar month The “Chong Yang Festival” is celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth lunar mo...@小杜大世界【《九月九日忆山东兄弟》英文版过重阳】#诗话佳节# #重阳节来啦#重阳节,祝您全家平安!今天带来一首关于重阳节的《九月九日忆山东兄弟》的英文版,...

?▽? 重阳节的由来用英语怎么介绍?大家不妨来看看小编推送的重阳节的由来英语简介,希望给大家带来帮助! The Double Ninth Festival is one of the oldest traditional festivals i...本人在大二期间参加英语四级,以总分638分的成绩顺利考过。当时没有人指点,完全是靠自己反复摸索,然后...

1.元宵节:Lantern Festival 2.刺绣:Embroidery 3.重阳节:Double-Ninth Festival 4.清明节:Tomb sweeping day 5.剪纸:Paper Cutting 6.书法:Calligraphy 7.对联:...重阳节,秋高气爽,登高远望,畅饮菊花酒,遍插茱萸头……这个古老节日的起源和传说,你还记得吗? The Double Ninth Festival - the ninth day of the ninth lunar month The "Cho...