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?▂? 写旅游的英语作文一 Last summer, my family and I went to Hawaii for a holiday! We flew across the Pacific to the tiny island from Beijing. After we booked into a hotel, we rested...篇1:旅行日记英语作文带翻译 旅行日记英语作文带翻译 I used to think Beijing must be a grand and special city, given that it was the capital of China, a...

>ω< 想想在家里曾经浪费了多少宝贵的水啊我真是惭愧万分。 在这里,我还有许多一起来军训的同学们都应该好好的反思和检讨,我们应该节约用水,保护水资源是我们每一...他们是同乡、同学、校友,却也曾万里相隔;鲁阿姨这些年动了7次大手术,3次病危,2014年更是因病短暂失忆,储训教授没日没夜地陪伴,在她出院后陪她出游、为她...

写旅游的英语日记 1 I went to the zoo with my friends last Sunday.It was hot and sunny that day.It took us about two hours to get there by bus.There ...旅游的英语日记篇八It was a cloudy day, but I was in a good mood, because my mom and Dad took me and my aunt to play in the Qu Jiangchi site park. As soon as I ent...

四川大学外语学科源自四川大学前身,1896年创办的四川中西学堂的英语和法语科目,历史悠久,传统厚重。四川...大家不妨写一篇关于a nice trip的50词英语作文描述一下吧。下是我为大家整理的a nice trip英语作文50词带翻译,欢迎大家阅读。 a nice trip英语作文50词篇一 Last summer...

1、初中英语新课程标准 2、《教育学心理学》(福建教育出版社出版) 英语手抄报范文第5篇 [关键词]兴趣;日记;通信;贺卡;手抄报;造句 书面表达是中学生头疼的问题...旅游英语速录速记技能拆解为:“听写(在英语听力环境中,记录旅游专业词语拼写的速度与准确度)听记(在英语听力环境中,记录旅游专业关键词或信号词的速度以及旅游...