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英文检讨书 篇1 Distinguished teacher of life: Hello! about themselves too cheeky behavior at night a few days before, here, I express deep apologie...英文检讨书的范文三篇 【导语】检讨书中要反应出个⼈是因为什么原因犯错,⾃⼰对所犯错误的认识,表明⾃⼰改正错误的决⼼,还可以为⾃⼰制定防治继续犯错的措施。以下是©⽆忧考...

篇1:英语检讨书 today i made a terible mistake which i wish i had not done .i feel very upset.i regret to played table tennies instead went to self-s...英语检讨书 篇1 today i made a terible mistake which i wish i had not done .i feel very upset.i regret to played table tennies instead went to self-s...

检讨人: 日期: 尊敬的老师: 您好!对不起,这次的英语考试我没有考好,成绩只有 xx 分,刚刚在及格的悬崖边上,还是全班 倒数第三名。为此我感到十分的痛苦与煎熬,因为我并不是不...英文版检讨书篇1 Dear teacher, Today I writing to apologize for what I done last yesterday. I feel very sorry and ashamed to write down this essay fo...