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politics and law

下面围绕“politics and law”主题解决网友的困惑

挥法律之利剑, 持正义之天平, 除人间之邪恶, 守政法

英文:Wield the sword of law,hold the balance of justice,eliminate the evil in the world,and keep the san...

挥法律之利剑, 持正义之天平, 除人间之邪恶, 守政法

英文:Wield the sword of law,hold the balance of justice,eliminate the evil in the world,and keep the san...

用英文简述 the politics of U.S, U.K and Australi

The UK's constitution governs the legal framework of the country and consists mostly of written sources, including statutes, judge made case law, and in...


刑法学分论:Criminal law school grades theory 民事诉讼法:Civil procedure law 法理学:Jurisprudence 世界经济与政治:World economics and politics 刑事诉...


law status, as well as whetherdoes individual directly in on international exercise the right andundertakes the duty. Thus between influence country cul...


32、L. Henkin: International Law, Politics and values, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1995.33、Bruno Stimma: The Charter of the UN: A Commentary, Oxford Un...


And most importantly, We will be protected by the great men and women of our military and law enforcement. We will be protected by God. Finally, we m...


英文:Wield the sword of law,hold the balance of justice,eliminate the evil in the world,and keep the san...




“政法学 院”和“法律系”的实质内容并无差别,因此两者的英语译名以相应为当:或统一于“Law”,或统一于“Politics and Law".从实事求是的观点来看,既然”法律...

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